While it is, of course, a bit late to post pictures of this, I figured I might as well do it, since, well, quite frankly I'm bored.
I don't know if graduations are like weddings, and I've never heard any stipulations, but my shoes and bracelet are borrowed. Maybe it'll bring me luck. Or maybe it just means I need to buy more shoes.
Think of this as an impressionist version of what my ceremony looked like. While I'm still not exactly sure who took these (no one will fess up to it), I'm grateful I have them, blurry though they may be, because nobody else took pictures during the ceremony.
This is a not-particularly-good shot of Yana walking across the stage during her awards ceremony. It's not particularly good because it was taken from the screen, as opposed to the stage. Blame my camera's lack of zoom, not me, for that one.
The grads filing in during Yana's ceremony.
After eating more sushi than was good for us, we decided to amble around a forest preserve ....
After eating more sushi than was good for us, we decided to amble around a forest preserve ....
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