Monday 26 January 2009

Ode to the Internship Toolkit

The internship toolkit is an innovative new class (that only started this year) which we are forced to do in addition to our internships, where we sit in a classroom for two hours (in addition to three hours of independent study) and listen to an instructor babble about completely obvious and useless things. Today for example, she talked at us about Personal Development Plans (which are exactly what they sound like, and yet required half-an-hour of lecture), how to look up the documents (time sheets, etcetera) on the school website (that took another twenty minutes or so) and how to fill out answers on a worksheet (one which won't be due for another five weeks) among other such delightful, and equally complicated subjects. This is my little ode to the toolkit module (which I actually wrote during the internship module, so mentally occupied was I with the classwork). I know I'm a horrible poet, but I still hope you enjoy my little ode to the suffering that is the toolkit module.

I'm sorry but
Do I look stupid to you?
While you've been yammering
My arse has turned to glue
My poor bleeding brain
You've turned into mush
With your bleatin' and hammerin'
I can't feel my tush

I feel like an idiot
Thanks to your stupid speech
I wish you'd shut up
But you just preach and preach
You say things so useless
I just want to scream
But you just keep going
Your words they just stream
An endless, unneeded procession of words
My strenuous protests remaining unheard

You treat me like my head's full of rocks
Like we're blithering idiots
No more brains than a sock
I wish you'd shut up
But you never do
And like a schmuck
I just wait till you're through
I hope that you've finally
Achieved what you saught
Because the class is over
And my brain's turned to rot.

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